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Unique Animals Around Vancouver

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

With a beautiful landscape all around the Vancouver, lakes, mountains nearby, beautiful ocean, Vancouver has everything that is needed for unique animals. Just step out from our Hotel Riviera on Robson, and you're in Stanley Park. Let's go together and explore unique animals near us!


Raccoons are an integral part of the ecosystem on the mainland coast of British Columbia. They are versatile scavengers requiring only a source of food, water, and a safe place to nest. Raccoons are one of the few animals that are successfully able to go from a family pet back to a wild animal.


The beaver is Canada's national symbol and it has represented the country for over 300 years. A beaver is a giant rodent with big buck teeth for felling trees and branches, and a flat, paddle- like tail to steer it through the water. One thing that most people don't know about beavers is that they have a clear layer that covers their eye- like their own version of swimming goggles- to protect them underwater debris.

Canada Geese

Canada geese are migrating birds and year after year the next generation will return to the same nesting ground as their parents- often staying in the same nest. This iconic bird is actually a waterfowl but, unlike most other waterfowl, Canada geese spend as much time on land as they do in the water, and can be found in most wetland areas. Canada geese migrate south in the winter and north in the summer.


Chipmunks are well known in the Vancouver area for their abundance in and around the more forested areas. Being slightly larger than squirrels but of the same family, chipmunks are not as common but can often be spotted in the Eagle Bluffs and Horseshoe Bay nature reserve and surrounding trees.


The salmon is the lifeblood of British Columbia for wildlife, First Nations, anglers, and foodies. Every fall they return from the ocean by the millions to spawn and die... For guests visiting the city, the best areas to spot wild salmon is in the Lower Mainland rivers as well as the Squamish are of Vancouver.


Harbour seals are found along the coast of the temperate Northern Hemisphere, often in coastal waters, estuaries and river systems. Females give birth in the spring and summer and the pups will stay with their mothers for four to six weeks.


Coyotes are a member of the Canid family like dogs, wolves, and foxes, and (because of their opportunistic nature) have become a common sight in urban areas of British Columbia. Like urban foxes in the UK and raccoons in Whistler, coyotes are generalist feeders who come into our towns and cities looking for food to feed their young.

Black Bears

There are three species of bear in North America: the black bear, grizzly bear, and polar bear. The most common is the American black bear. Black Bear naturally like to avoid conflict so it will generally avoid urban areas unless in search of food.

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